How Much Do YOU Think About Sex?
If the old myth that men think about sex every 7 seconds is true, that would mean our guys are thinking about sex approximately 8000 times per day! Let’s break that down a little further; this would put sex on the male brain more than 500 times per hour, and 8.3 times per minute, if they ran on a 16 hour day. Not only is that seriously over the top but they would be extremely unproductive! In a more realistic study of sexual thoughts, completed by The Ohio State University, it is estimated that men think about getting some between the sheets about 19 times per day. Now let’s talk about women, when this 8000 times/day myth for men was out in the world for all to believe, it was also out there that women don’t think about sex at all…whose kidding who here?
We are all sexual beings, we all have needs, wants, and desires and sex is a big part of the equation. Women are thinking about sex and we are more open to discussing what we need and want in the bedroom more than ever. Naturally, the more comfortable one is with their own sexuality, the more it comes to mind. Researchers have stated that while males think about sex 19 times on any given day, women have sex on their minds 10 times per day, according to the same study published by Psychology Today. Everyone is different and that is okay, so don’t think that your estimated number is anything but normal.
There are so many variables to consider in a study such as this one, so many things can alter or skew the results. Age, relationship status, physical health, mental health, are just a few to consider and more extensive studies need to be completed and would be interesting to view the results of. Here’s to future research in this area!
This could be a great lil’ conversation starter for you and your main squeeze. It might even get things going in a steamy direction. “How many times a day do you think about knockin’ boots honey?”